Hello ! My name is Phuc Vinh Thuy HUYNH but I go by the pseudonym "Un Contraste Permanent". I'm French so my pseudonym means "A Permanent Contrast". I chose this name because I love playing with contrasting colors on myself and in my personal drawings. I am always wearing orange and blue just like my website. However, I also enjoy mixing techniques like traditional and digital drawings, animations. In some projects, I like to play with surreal and humorous situations that take themselves too seriously. But the one thing that ties most of my projects together is my interest in taking everyday, anecdotal moments and transforming them into poetic, precious moments.
When I am working in a company or as a freelance, I like to pin point what the client likes while trying to highlight their singularity and their visual impact. I do have a strong identity as an individual and an artist but it doesn't impact what I create for my clients. I am great at adapting as well as showcasing my knowledge of motion design, graphism and more.  
Here you can see all my auto-portraits too !
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