"L'Auto-Waf 2000" is an AR experience on a fictional app created by "La Cinémathèque Française". The purpose of the augmented experience is to take the user to a journey in the year 2040 and make them potentially win free tickets to the event "Histoires Vraies". The fake story in the experience is linked to a historical movie from which the picture in the poster is extracted from. Each picture selected from different movies contains an object. The object (here it's a vintage telephone) is taken out of context and we created, with Mélanie Farault, a nonsensical story about it.
"In the year 2040, all dogs are in a depressive state because their owners don't have time to take care of them anymore. You (the user) found a mysterious object that is rumored to help the mental health of your dog. You contact a scientific in order to reconstruct the artefact from the 20th century and save
your dog."
your dog."